Harbeth P3ESR vs Fritz Rev 5 vs DeVore Gibbon 3XL

Ok, here's the deal.....

I'd like to assemble a secondary two channel music system in my small den. It is only 11.5 ft by 11.5 ft .....so not only is it very small, but also square! Also, because the room is so small, the speakers will have to be placed quite close to the wall that resides behind the back of the speaker. Yikes!

The music I'd like to listen to in this room would be vocals, violin/cello sonatas, piano, and anything acoustical in nature.

Tone and timbre are of paramount importance to me. I do not want to use a subwoofer.....hoping one would not be needed for the above listed music types.

There are no Fritz dealers, but he does allow an in home trial....very nice!
The closest DeVore dealer is several states away from me.
The closest Harbeth dealer is a 12 hour round trip car ride for me.

So, if anyone here has had any experience with the above mentioned speakers and could share any insight of how they may perform in my small and non-optimum room.....it would be greatly appreciated.
Sorry, I see you already indicated where you are. How far is Bloomington, IN?
Hello Drubin,

Thank you again for your reply. I don't know if you had noticed in my system link, but my reference speakers are Dunlavy SCIV Signatures (used in my larger dedicated room). It seems as though we may have similar tastes in sound reproduction. Which Dunlavys are you using?

Do you find that you prefer the midrange of the P3ESR to that of your Dunlavys?

I'm about 7.5 hours each way to Bloomington, IN.
Drubin, I'm sorry...I forgot to ask. Have you had an opportunity to hear the new 30.1 yet? If so, how do you feel it compares to the P3ESR?
I have not heard the 30.1 but I plan to. Once I heard the little guys, I was instantly curious to hear the new, bigger ones. Pricey.

I have Dunlavy SC-III.A, which is the final incarnation of the Aletha-Athena-Cantata series with the downward-firing woofer. The Harbeth midrage is different and better in some ways -- a bit more pure, perhaps more neutral -- but I love them both. I switch off between the two just for the change of pace and perspective, and enjoy them both immensely.
Thanks Drubin! I know what you mean when you say Pricey. Ouch! But the way I look at it is this. If it is a speaker that you will truly enjoy, then the price will only hurt once....the initial outlay. But if you settle for something that you won't quite enjoy as much because it costs less, then it will hurt often....everytime you wish you would have sprung for what you truly wanted.

The speakers that I enjoy, I tend to keep for many, many years and enjoy them immensely. So when you amortize the price/enjoyment over all those years it really doesn't seem so bad. (I know, I have a problem lol, and I am just trying to justify the purchase, right?)