Abbingdon Music Research CD-77 impressions?

Now that it's been out a little while, anyone care to post your listening impressions?
Has anybody used it as a DAC for computer-based audio? I'm getting a demo unit this week to have for a few days. I currently have a Wavelength Audio Crimson DAC. It will be compared to that, running Itunes off of a Mac-Mini.

Hi David,
I seem to recall from earlier posts that you're in Chicago; where did you get the demo? Also, does this suggest some dissatisfaction with the Crimson?
Slowhand, you're right the AMR isn't better, but close enough that now my listening will probably be equally divided. Before it was at least 75% analog.
On an dual layer SACD/CD, a straight CD will always sound much better than the CD layer of a dual disc. Please don't ask me why, but it's the truth. I own a AMR CD-77 and would not trade it for any one box player. Plus, it kills 99.9% of all SACD players.
Plus, it kills 99.9% of all SACD players.

No offense, but what are you, about 17 years old? I see you just joined AudiogoN in 11/07, welcome.
Most of us have been audiophiles long enough to know that phrases like 'XXX kills YYY', or 'ABC totally slays XYZ' is enthusiastic, but meaningless drivle. Everyone has their own personal favorites, but at this level, nothing kills anything.......Sheeeesh.....I hope this doesn't decay into another D&K thread....
