Gain of line preamplifier

How much is the gain of a line preamplifier normaly? In db, or the multiplication factor. Many people has gain issue, these times. The manufactors normaly don't give this specification.
I've never quoted Nelson Pass. If 1,2,3 are true, than probably it's a world of dreams. In the real world it's all vary, but far not "most good ones".

"Nelson Pass would also agree with me"

If that's not putting words into Nelson mouth, I don't know what is.

Cheers George

Like I asked, show the electronic math?

And then post a link to a "quality" interconnect that has high capacitance more than 200pf per foot. And I'll show you a rubbish interconnect?
Because it will create HF filter with tube preamps as well as passive pre's. And the HF audio band filter that it creates is detectable with just listening let alone using math or bench tests.

Cheers George
all i stated that unity-gain preamps have advantages of both: transparency of passive and control of active regardless of wires and input/output impedance matching.
Czarivey you make a lot of sense. I agree with you, an active preamp with just the right gain to work. Most high gain preamps don't allow you to use the volume control at a higher level. An active preamp keeps the imp. constant is what you want. Yes passive preamps sound ideal on paper, but to me I have never liked one in my system and I have tried a few.