Anybody heard Krell SACD mkIII?

Hello Fellow Audiogoners.
Just trying to get some info on MKIII SACD Standard player and how it compares to previous models.Thanks.
Joeyboynj,have you purchased it new or it was a warranty upgrade from MkII?(like my unit)If yes,did they include a new remote?
Overhang, I opted for the new unit and traded in my old one. Yes, it had a new remote included. I assume they send one with each upgrade or new unit. But I noticed the old remote works as well.
It appears as though Krell has retired the SACD Standard, and that the Version-3 upgrade is being performed on a case-by-case basis (to V1 & V2 machines). Does anyone know if a new KAV Series CD Player is due-out this year? Possibly, around the same time as the forthcomeing KAV-400xi replacement?
My new MKIII upgraded unit skips...I just got it back and now it will be returned again! Frustrating to say theleast. Obviously the fix is not foolproof.
How Krell could charge consumers $4k for a broken player then 'upgrade' it to a working player and bump up the price a few thousand is BEYOND me.

The fact that the MK 1 & 2 existed is somewhat sad. I don't care if it wasn't Krell's fault and it was the Phillips transports. Yank the product after the MK 1 and move on.