Ayon CD Players: CD-1 and CD-3

Has anyone heard anything about Ayon's CD players?
CD-1 and CD-3 www.ayonaudio.com
I went on their web and looked at the specs. It looks like
Ayon makes all tube gear.
Here is a copy of what audiogon member -mrtennis- posted back on 4-10-06 about CD Players!

i like a dull, veiled, laid,back, boring sound capable of putting me to sleep. i hate treble and i don't like detail. i like subtractive coloration to such an extent that all recordings sound the same. you can talk about detail, neutrality all day long.
if you don't tap your foot, it doesn't matter.

i want to relax, not bothered by detail or dynamics. veil the sound and cut off the highs. darkness and dullsville is my motto, by choice. thick caramel syrup makes me happy.
Mrtennis (Threads | Answers)


03-20-2008 - Wow... Tone Deaf Perhaps.

Here is a link to the CD-1 Review -

No wonder he cannot appreciate the beautiful music the Ayon CD Player extracts from a CD. I own the CD-1 and I have owned the Oracle, Bluenote Stibbert, Lector 7, Cary and the Ayon CD-1 is indeed by far more dynamic, visceral, fluid and sweet. Yes, it does sound better than the models I listed above. This is the best CD Player I have ever heard and owned and recommend this product if you are searching for the best soundstage.

Allow me to humbly submit that I have just had my review of the Ayon CD-1 and Ayon Spirit integrated published on Dagogo.com

Here's the link:


The CD-1 is an extremely fine sounding player. Part of the beauty of it is that for being a tube player it has a crispness similar to SS sound but without he edginess. It's quite refined.
preference and perception are two different phenomena.
what i like and what i hear are independent of each other.

what i heard was based upon an audition at ces. i then discussed what i heard with a representative of the company displaying the ayon products. he agreed with me that the player was not warm or tube like.

if you like the sound of solid state you may appreciate this player.

one may criticize my taste, but no one has evidence that i am misperceiving what i hear.
If this unit sounds "solid state" it has just sent a benchmark for how to buld a player that is true to the music and presents it in an analog manner.

Far too many tube players out there are rolled off,veiled,have tubey bottom ends to them and lack retrieval of information capabilities.

The 6H30's do add that "clear sound" vs "frosted sound"
to the Ayon.
But there is no way this player does not have the natural harmonic timbre we associate to tubes.

I myself switched out the stock 6H30's for some NOS DR 6H30
tubes and also replaced the stock 6922's with some Telefunken E188CC's so there are definately tubes in there.
The unit does sound fantastic stock,but tube rollers and tube cd player lovers fear not you can tweak the Ayon to sound a bit different if you wish.

And I guess if you are a solid state CD player guy you can buy this one forget it has tubes in it and have the best solid state player you find(but there are tubes in there)

So in a nutshell this player fits the needs of both the solid state and tube player enthusiast

Better yet it fits the needs of great cd playback in an analytical and gray digital world.