Ayon CD Players: CD-1 and CD-3

Has anyone heard anything about Ayon's CD players?
CD-1 and CD-3 www.ayonaudio.com
I went on their web and looked at the specs. It looks like
Ayon makes all tube gear.
I heard the Ayon CD-1 in a dealer showroom, and compared with the Ayre CX-7e. The Ayre is very nice and has better base extension, tighter imaging, and a fuller plate of tonal colors, but to my ears the Ayon is the better sounding of the two with more involving PRAT akin to single ended amplification, liquid midrange, and overall a sweeter overtone.

Subtle details and gradual degradation of musical notes are better portraited through the Ayon, which coupled with its more 3 dimensional imaging makes music more lively. It may not be the typical tubey sounding breed, but nevertheless a very find performer.
Did you get a chance to compare the CD-1 to the CD-3?
What dealer did you do your listening at?
Hi Sally
No I did not get a chance to hear the CD-3
The dealer is Jadis Electronics in HK, where I am staying until April. Jadis is the authorised dealer in the area for both Ayon and Ayre.
Sally, my new Ayon CD-1 arrives tomorrow. I'll let you know how it compares to my Consonance 2.2 once I've had a chance to listen. The distributor has a money back offer, so if it doesn't live up to expectations, you can send it back.