What is stopping the ultimate?

Ok, I know when it comes to building a system with regard to the regulars on this site,I am out of my depth in terms of experience and experimentation but I'd be really interested to hear from those who have spent many years building a system what they would consider it is in the world of hi-fi that really needs to be improved and available to us.
Is it a multi-format digital source?
New amplification?
A new type of speaker?
Whatever it is I'm interested to hear from those who have searched for the holy grail and found in their experience to be the limiting factor in their search.
Remember no wrongs or rights only the story of your journey and what you've found-inconclusive or otherwise.
Tell us,please.
Speakers are the weakest link in any audio chain. As such, i'd like to see someone come out with an omnidirectional point source driver that covers the full frequency range and is highly efficient with a reasonable impedance curve.

Yes, i want to have my cake and eat it too.. : ) Sean
Software with as much attention to recording quality and perhaps MORE important, a format that delivers that quality with as little compromise in efforts as we all put into our systems.

A really perfect piece of software would amaze you as to how much it "equalizes" the differences in equipment. Not to say that the system is not equally important, but with (say) master tapes, first generation, you would be so deep in music that you would forget about the gear for years........perhaps forever.