Harbeth Compact 7s vs. Pioneer's $129 speakers

I’m not going to claim they are the equals of my Harbeth Compact 7ES-3s, but the $129 Andrew Jones-designed speakers by Pioneer (SP-BS22-LR) are quite remarkable. My point in posting is not really to compare them with my Harbeths, but to make the following observation:

>>I’m becoming convinced that modestly priced components that are very good at doing a few things you care about very much can offer satisfaction far beyond any expectations based on price.<<

That’s the case with the Pioneer speakers, which I believe now have a list price of $159.

I listen almost exclusively to classical music and chamber music, in particular. These Pioneer speakers have a way of presenting string quartets, piano trios and similar ensembles with a truly remarkable sense of realism. The few things I care about more than any others include the timbres and textures of unamplified instruments (i.e., the woodiness of a cello, the rosiny sweet gruffness of a violin) as well as rendition of the recording venue’s ambiance. The Pioneer speakers do these things extremely well.

They have earned quite a bit of commentary and praise since their introduction. Needless to say, they don’t do as many things as well as the Harbeths (nearly 25 times their price), but I find that for me, the above observation rings true. The tone colors, textures and spaciousness that the Pioneers get so right, despite other imperfections, give them the ability to reward me far in excess of the expectations I had for them.

Andrew Jones, of course, is the designer of Pioneer’s megabuck TAD speakers, and I think it’s especially admirable that he took on the challenge of designing speakers at the very opposite end of the cost spectrum. I’m not about to sell my Harbeths, but I really don’t feel significantly shortchanged when I replace them with the Pioneers from time to time.

Agreed. The Pioneer speakers need space to sound their best. I cannot do that currently, but when I put them in my main listening room, I was pleasantly surprised by the music they made. When I opened the cloth grill to check the bass driver, my jaw literally dropped, especially since I had placed them on the floor standers that are 4 feet from back wall and 2 feet from side walls.
Amazing speakers!
Oh, Yes. I still have Pioneer S-1010 speakers and they
outperformed many speakers including Harbeth M40.1,
Dynaudios and other so call "HI END Speakers"
"Oh, Yes. I still have Pioneer S-1010 speakers and they
outperformed many speakers including Harbeth M40.1,
Dynaudios and other so call "HI END Speakers"

Good lord. Next you'll try and tell us there's a better vacuum cleaner than a Dyson. Funny story. I went to a vacuum cleaner shop with my wife to purchase a vacuum cleaner. I was talking to the owner and asked him about Dyson. He asked me to follow him to the back room where he revealed a sea of Dysons. When he saw the look on my face he said "Fixing Dysons is how I make most of my money".

I guess it doesn't matter how much money you spend. We ended up with a $1000 vacuum cleaner : )
My thanks to the OP. I have read several posters' thoughts on the Pioneer speakers. I have got to try a pair myself. I'll bet they pair nicely with my sub.

As for Dysons....I must have bought the same vacuum cleaner as Donjr (a Miele). The salesman told me how Dysons clog up after about one year of use. As he was telling me this, my neighbor drove and pulled his vacuum out of the car (a Dyson). I asked him how long he'd owned it. He told ...(drum roll)...."Just about a year.". It was all clogged up. Too funny.