What is stopping the ultimate?

Ok, I know when it comes to building a system with regard to the regulars on this site,I am out of my depth in terms of experience and experimentation but I'd be really interested to hear from those who have spent many years building a system what they would consider it is in the world of hi-fi that really needs to be improved and available to us.
Is it a multi-format digital source?
New amplification?
A new type of speaker?
Whatever it is I'm interested to hear from those who have searched for the holy grail and found in their experience to be the limiting factor in their search.
Remember no wrongs or rights only the story of your journey and what you've found-inconclusive or otherwise.
Tell us,please.
I agree with Albert. The recording industry has got to get their act together. I can't believe how good the music quality is on some recordings. My equipment completely disappears. We can always buy better hardware and this is a never ending quest, but I have found that the LP or CD is definatly the piece that is lacking most often.
A new playback format designed for Audiophiles! Yeah speakers need lots 'o work in the execution dept., too. And quickly while I'm on the discussion speakers, I would like to see a ESL that has the bass slam of a dynamic speaker using cones. Flat response from 100kHz to 8Hz, or so, would be nice.

Back on the subject of the playback format. I would like to see a new format that is an overengineered as the equipment we buy. not 16/44.1 no 24/192 just because it *good enough*. Blah. Let sit down NOW, and decide on a GREAT format, going forward. How many bit, samplerate, scheme, etc? 64bit sampled 4 billion times a sec? fine with me. PCM, DSD, TLA? I don't care. Pick one, hopefully the best one, and let's stick with it! And the D/A designs should be part of the design, and NOT an afterthought!

But I suppose none of that will mean a lick of salt if the recording engineer (is that the guy?) gives us a compromised "mix." Compressed dynamics, no low freq extension, etc. mediocre microphones, mediocre A/D converter, etc.
Another vote for Albert. Audiophiles often go on and on about the importance of the source, but the true source is sat at a mixing desk twiddling knobs and adding effects to make the music sound good in the car, on a boombox, on a walkman .... but rarely on a high end hifi, probably listening through yamaha monitors, too.
AMAN Albert and Sean! I have spent a fortune on these toys for thirty Years. Software is the problem, Garbage in Garbage out! Ken
It has to be the recording phase,like many has responded. Why every thing is fine (almost) when I play exceptionally well recorded CDs (e.g Mapleshade, Reference, Chesky) and falls apart when I play ' Commercial ' titles?