Does Aether Audio still exist?

Their speakers were getting very good reviews a year or two ago. Now I can find no mention of them.
Go to Audio circle and read the Aether Audio posts. That will tell you the whole sad story.
Yes it does.

But unfortunately the owner Bob Smith has had a lot of problems that prevented him from delivering speakers that are already paid for such as mine. I have been waiting over 4 years.

He has promised to deliver them soon and after that will be taking orders again. However, based on my past experience with them I wouldn't be getting any speakers off them until they have established a lot better track record. In particular only pay when delivered.

That said his speakers are excellent and very accurate.

Aether Audio exists Only theoretically. Mr Smith is unreachable. Unfilled speaker and equalizer paid-for orders. Not part of any new audiophile's future, unfortunately, since he is without doubt a talented speaker designer, who has a legacy of frustrated/annoyed/disappointed buyers. Too bad when talent and lack of business sense collide - many casualties.
It's a bit sad, considering Bob built me the best sounding speakers I have ever had. spence
It's actually more than sad, because when you buy a very, very expensive set of speakers (I bought his top of the line Revelations) it's nice to be able to reach the manufacturer with questions that invariably pop up, like bi-amping details, cross-overs, other technical issues and to find that he is not accepting e-mails or calls, except through the owner of an audio forum, and only if he owes you a speaker, is more than sad. Draw your own conclusions as to the professionalism/morality of this stance.