How do I spend $5000? A CD player or DAC for my De

After my fiasco with auditioning McIntosh 871 universal player (which I didn't like at all) I'm now considering either buying a dedicated redbook player instead of Sony XA9000ES and keeping my Denon 3930 for DVDs only or indeed buying a DAC to use with Denon as a transport. I don't think I'm ready to spend more than $5000 for either. The thing is I simply don't know which is better - a dedicated $5000 CD player or Denon 3930 plus $5000 DAC? I'm selling Sony anyway - the rack has place for only 2 sources and of course I need a DVD player anyway. What do you,guys, think?
The Cambridge 840C has a digital input. It's not quite in the 5K category but from all the buzz it's a great piece.

How about DACs in pre-pros like the Proceed?
I appreciate the desire to upgrade CD sound.
You have not mentioned conditioning & isolation for AC.
You have not heard your 9000 until you isolate its AC from the rest of your system.
Experiment and you will be amazed to find the true capability of the Sony.
I'm open to provide suggestions if you like. Best luck. Pete.
Cary 306 SACD. Has 2 digital inputs, upsampling and sounds great! Since the pro version came out, you should be able to pick one up for $5000 or less.
You should by a music server it will sound better than any cd player costing up to $20,000 read the absolute sound december. You can get a qsonix for about $3500