How do I spend $5000? A CD player or DAC for my De

After my fiasco with auditioning McIntosh 871 universal player (which I didn't like at all) I'm now considering either buying a dedicated redbook player instead of Sony XA9000ES and keeping my Denon 3930 for DVDs only or indeed buying a DAC to use with Denon as a transport. I don't think I'm ready to spend more than $5000 for either. The thing is I simply don't know which is better - a dedicated $5000 CD player or Denon 3930 plus $5000 DAC? I'm selling Sony anyway - the rack has place for only 2 sources and of course I need a DVD player anyway. What do you,guys, think?
Cary 306 SACD. Has 2 digital inputs, upsampling and sounds great! Since the pro version came out, you should be able to pick one up for $5000 or less.
You should by a music server it will sound better than any cd player costing up to $20,000 read the absolute sound december. You can get a qsonix for about $3500
So how ourld you recommend isolating the 9000 from the rest of my system? For that matter, what's the best way to get into power isolation/protection? I currently have just a NAIM/Wiremold power strip. It's probably about time to invest in some power conditioning.