Universal players as a transport

I am looking for a universal player to use as a transport with a Class Dac-1. Used players with a budget of $500 max. Would prefer player with SACD but not essential. Usual suspects - Sony 9000, 999, 9100 / Pioneer 79, 59 / Denon 5900, 9000, 3910, etc.
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I've been using a Denon 2910 with a Paradisea. It sounds great with absolutely no problems.

I see one in the classifieds for $225 right now. The transport is the same in the 2910 and 3910. The only difference between the two is better audio circuitry.

I hate to diss the Oppo. They're great sounding units for the money, but their construction and appearance is cheap compared to the Denons.

My Oppo 970 has the level 2 mod from Ric Shultz at EVS (Tweak Audio). I highly recommend Ric for anyone that is interested in a mod'd player. BTW, my mod'd 970 is easily as good as any dedicated CD player I've ever owned up to $3500 units.


Yep, some of the Oppos look realtively cheap. My 970 is actually very attractive, but only about 1/2 or less the height of the big Sonys and Denons. Makes me wonder why the Sony and Denon needed all of that space inside. Is there actually anything in there?

I've seen the Oppo 983 and it looks significantly better than the 980 and 981 (IMHO).


Get a Sony 999es or 9100es as a transport. They are solidly built. The Oppo players are so flimsy in comparison, you will have no vibration isolation.
I do agree the Oppos are very light. I like the smaller space it takes. I weigh mine down and use vibration control underneath. The small height works to my advantage. That said, the Denons as transports are excellent and durable. With a great DAC it would be a great combination. A used Denon and Paradisea would be more than $500, but worth it. A Scott Nixon DAC is less and well reviewed, but I haven't heard it and you have to add in a digital cable. Good luck and have fun!
Thanks Reuben. I'm gonna drop him a line this week. Former East Bay here ..... I try to keep my eyes open. It's obviously all about performance (with value). And innovation.

I haven't been so thrilled about the design either, but the guy on Stereophile just about lost it when he played SACD on the Oppo thru the Xdac-v8. It wouldn't be such an expense to get in to High-Rez.

You don't know how bad I wanted Denon in the 80's. : )