Universal players as a transport

I am looking for a universal player to use as a transport with a Class Dac-1. Used players with a budget of $500 max. Would prefer player with SACD but not essential. Usual suspects - Sony 9000, 999, 9100 / Pioneer 79, 59 / Denon 5900, 9000, 3910, etc.
Ag insider logo xs@2xkira
I do agree the Oppos are very light. I like the smaller space it takes. I weigh mine down and use vibration control underneath. The small height works to my advantage. That said, the Denons as transports are excellent and durable. With a great DAC it would be a great combination. A used Denon and Paradisea would be more than $500, but worth it. A Scott Nixon DAC is less and well reviewed, but I haven't heard it and you have to add in a digital cable. Good luck and have fun!
Thanks Reuben. I'm gonna drop him a line this week. Former East Bay here ..... I try to keep my eyes open. It's obviously all about performance (with value). And innovation.

I haven't been so thrilled about the design either, but the guy on Stereophile just about lost it when he played SACD on the Oppo thru the Xdac-v8. It wouldn't be such an expense to get in to High-Rez.

You don't know how bad I wanted Denon in the 80's. : )
i used a modded oppo as a transport for a while. the picture was spectacular. However, I would not buy another for any long term thoughts. The build quality on my new el cheopo pioneer is superior. My oppo died after about 2 years....

if thats ok for you...great , go for it....if not...id buy something else
Kira, I discovered something while changing my main rig around. I went with the Oppo as a CD transport for a short while. When I switched on the Onkyo nearby, there was a slight hesitation. I am guessing that the power drain affected the power to the transport. That never happened with my Jolida transport. I think that having a transport with a solid case that is vibration resistant, and a power supply that exceeds your needs may be important. All I know is, I put the Jolida back.
I use a Denon 2930ci (when they show up, this one will fit your budget) as a transport to a P.S Audio Digital Link III DAC,through a Monarchy DIP and enjoy great results.

I mass load the tops of the Denon and DAC and suspend them on hand balls...yep, hand balls.....works mighty fine for me.

Good luck! John