Good inexpensive temporary speakers

Until we move out of our condo in about a year, I'm looking for a good temporary (probably monitor) set of speakers. Once we purchase the house we'll be moving to, I'll be able to make a better decision about final speakers.

Since they're temporary (and will be up on audiogon in 12 months) I'm looking for something inexpensive but good enough to listen to for a year. I'm thinking Nola Boxers (never heard), Maggie MMG's (heard and not crazy about but good for the price), or other in the $1500 and under range.

In my new campaign for simplicity the electronics will be the Wadia Intuition 01. It includes preamp, 200 watt (8 ohm) amp and Wadia DAC in once unit. It's a bit on the warm forgiving side but great sounding overall.

My preference is always for highly musical, timbre-ly correct and non-fatiguing. Any ideas?
First I decide to get Nola Boxers and put an order in. But things were delayed at Nola - and having no speakers in the house at all at the moment, decided to cancel the order and get something immediately.

I ended up purchasing some Tyler Acoustics Linbrook SE's on Agon. For $1000 I'm expecting them to sound pretty decent since my electronics are good. I'm using the all in one DAC/PRE/AMP Wadia Intuition 01. Or I also have a Cary SLP98 preamp and Cary 200watt solid state amp.

I know the Nola Boxers were supposed to be something special, but the Linbrooks should at least get me through the year until we move into the larger home. By the way I actually heard the Linbrooks in the Tyler factory maybe 10 years ago. Ty opened it up just to accommodate me on a Sunday and ended up spending most of the day with me - amazing guy.

Still despite listening to just about everything in the shop, I couldn't bring myself to pull the trigger. But they did a lot of things right - especially in the speed, imaging, detail and non-fatiguing and sparkling upper registers. Mid-range too as I recall. For temps they should do nicely.

Any comments on the Boxers VS Linbrooks? Thanks for all your input!
[/quote] The LSA-1 sold for $1300.00 a pair through dealers and now you can buy them Internet Direct in black ash, closed out deal at only $499.00/pr (I don't own them so there is no bias here).[/quote]

I've owned both the LSA1 Signatures and Statements. Great solution for your needs.
Zeljoh, How long did you own the Signatures and the Statements? Did you experience any issues with the veneer separating from the cabinet? The reason I ask is because I've looked at the LSA speakers before, and in all three cases where I found them used, the cabinets had veneer issues. This ended up being the biggest reason why I did not purchase a pair.
I had both pairs for about a year each. The Signatures were Rosewood and were fine - no issues. My Statements were black ash so no opportunity there. With the new factory direct pricing these speakers have a very high performance to price ratio. The LSA1 Statements live up to their positive reviews. And nope, I have no affiliation with LSA.
Anyone hear the Tyler Acoustics Linbrook monitors? Hopefully they scale well with good electronics. I'm using the Wadia Intuition 01 200w integrated wDAC.