Resolution Audio Opus 21 TRL Audio mod

Has anyone had him mod this unit? If so, what do you think of it? Have you been able to compare it to a GNSC mod? I want to be sure to get the most for my money.

You'll be lucky to recoup 20% of the cost of a mod if and when you sell the Opus 21.

Of course, it doesn't matter if you intend to keep the Opus 21 long term.
Tvad is right here. The TRL unit I have cost $1800 and TRL supplied the player!

No reason to spend anymore than $1800 as $1800 will get you about as good as it gets - period.

You could sell your player and make money! Better sounding music to boot!!

Tvad makes a good point about resale value of modded units. Like Grannyring I can attest to the TRL Sony 900 player as one of the better CDPs I have heard. For the price it's a no brainer. Never heard GNSC mods to the Opus, but Robert at Ridge Street Audio has a GNSC modded Opus and I trust his ears.

Why don't you call Resolution Audio and ask them what the think of GNSC mods? Personally, while I trust Paul and respect his work (I own a few of his pieces), I wouldn't send the Opus to him, just get the modded Sony instead.