Paradisea Dac

Anyone out there who can comment on the usb version . I 'am considering putting a Mac based system together and ran across this Dac in another thread .I would ONLY use the USB input and would like to hear any comments on how this input sounds compared to other USB DACS in the $1500 range. on
I preferred a GE 5 Star 5670 to the WE 396. In fact, I liked the GE tube so much I've kept it in my collection. I sold all my other 396 and 5670 tubes.
Now, I'm going to have to find the time to try that WE396 tube, it's one of three I got with my Paradisea.

I jumped from the Tungsol 2051 right to the Bendix Red Bank 6385 and haven't taken it out since.
Tvad, the 5 star GE sounded real good in my system too in the paradisea+, I still have that tube in reserve, I use 5 star 5751s in my amps and love them. That is the advantage of tube rolling, finding which tube fits your system the best! Are you still using the supratek pre in your system?
Are you still using the supratek pre in your system?
Dwr (System | Answers)