Magnepan 1.7s in a 10x13' dedicated room?

I'm planning on upgrading my speakers soon and want to go back to Magnepans. I'm considering MG12s but came across nearly new 1.7s on Craigs List for a good price. Problem is, my room is only 10x13x8', but I can do anything I want to it. It already has three bass traps, (two in front corners, one at ceiling wall juncture in back) and 24 1x2' Auralex absorbers spaced around the room. Floor is hardwood with a big think area rug. Anyone put 1.6s or 1.7s in a room of similar size?
Thanks for all the responses everyone. There seems to be a lot of different opinions on the subject though. My dealer will let me borrow a set of MG12s for a weekend and that should help me make a decision, though I tend to think 1.7s would probably be too big. I had a pair of SMGbs which ended up in a small room in another house and I ended up getting rid of them. It wasn't until I got the replacements in there that I realized it wasn't the speakers and the room, but mainly the room by itself. After treating it I was fine and always wondered what the Maggies would have sounded like in the treated space. I have a partially finished space in the basement which is much bigger and may end up moving down there when I figure out how to keep the damn cats out.
I have 1.7s in a 13x15 room and they sound great. They are about 39" from wall and a little over 8' From listening chair. Bass trap in one corner and vinyl on shelves in the other rear corner. Bass is tight and a big wall of sound up front. I think good component matching is key with 1.7s.IMHO
Timrhu, did you have bass traps in the room?

There are bass traps in two corners, the other corners have doors with absorption panels. If you look at my room you can see the basic position of the speakers, MG12s went in same spot. They were probably 30+ inches from the rear wall.

As another poster suggested, I recommend bringing home the resistors if the dealer has them available. They did help, just not enough for my taste.

I remember when I finally gave up and put my Kestrels back in place and resumed listening to David Crosby's If I could Only Remember My Name. The reaction was, "oh yeah." I blame the small room as I have heard Maggies, even the MMGs sound really nice in a wide open space.

Good luck with your experiment and do get back to us please.
Try them and then you will know. They should work fine.

I would suggest removing the bass traps, as the are generally not needed with Magnepans. They like minimal room treatment for best sound.

I use MG IIIa's in a small room, with home theater, on the long wall. Room width 10 feet, speakers 3 feet from rear wall, and I sit 6 feet away, right up against the wall.

I get great results! Big speakers in small rooms are fine with me.