Any comments on the PS Audio DL111 with Stage IV mods?

have bought one with stage 1v mods havent received it yet , i have borrowed a stock unit very good hooked up to audio aero capitolle se mk 11, stock unit is very good can anyone tell me the differences , and recommend a really really good digital cable
A follow-up to my previous comments about the harshness of my level 3 mod; I have since moved my system into a larger room with more wall treatments for sound dampening and it has made a world of difference for me. With less flat surfaces to bounce high frequencies off of, I'm hearing a more natural sound with more proper decay which seems to be taking the bright edge off for me.

The liveliness the mods bring is still there - I get a sense of 'urgency' out of the music that brings the details to me. A different feel from some of the more laid back circuitry where your ears have to "lean forward" to find details. And that stunning, muscular, articulate base is to die for - even in a room almost twice the size of the previous room.

If the rest of your equipment is up to snuff, there isn't a better $600 investment you can make than a stage 3 (or 4) Cullen Circuits mod.
have mine for about a week running continuously , gets better everyday , everything sounded a little drier at first , now a lot more breath int he music , and the weight inthe bottom wow
Hey Guys,

What CD players/Transports are you using with the DL-III?
Is anyone using Kimber illuminations D-60 dig cable?
im using audio aero capitolle se mk ii , and mbl 1521, with mit magnum digital cable
The Cullen Stage IV simply reveals more of the recording than other DACs. It separates the musical threads better, and sounds more like music, with other DACS sounding more canned and dead. A few posters who criticized it probably like a more dead sound, and when presented with the stunning clarity and ability to dig deep into the digital bits, they interpret this as more "in your face." The Cullen is certainly not recessed sounding, but neither is it highly forward, perhaps just a bit.

In any case, going back to other DACs shows that they blur and obscure details, and are unable to resolve the full sound of the instruments. Until I find something better than the Cullen, I have no intentions of letting it leave my shelf.