Emm Labs SE combo versus Wadia 581-SE

Hi Guys,

Anyone here compared the Emm Labs SE combo against Wadia 581-SE. Both will be driving the amps directly. Any feedback will be appriciated. Rest of my system: Krell KAS, Revel Ultimate Salon.
As someone who owns both an EMM CDSA and a GNSC Wadia 860, I can second Rtnl, at least from the standpoint of the "house sound" of those makes. And, in fact, in terms of (almost embarassingly) completely agreeing with Rtnl (has that ever happened on Audiogon with anybody??), I've kept both because of this: If I play a CD on the EMM and am not so crazy about the sound, there's a pretty good chance I can try it on the Wadia and like it. And vice versa. I tend to use the Wadia for music for which I want more punch (pop and jazz) and the EMM for classical (more laid back).

I have no clue what Rtnl is talking about when it comes to bargains on EMM's, however (and, like you, am curious).
Thanks Eweedhome,

I had thought that both are very alike in sound quality...detail, resolution, dynamic type of players especially the Emm SE combo. I believe the older models of Wadia's are more musical than the 581-SE. I could be wrong. Can you live with your 860 going direct without a pre amp?
I've never heard the 581. Also, as noted but not explained, my 860 is modified, fairly significantly, by Steve Huntley at Great Northern Sound, who used to work at Wadia and before that ARC. He's well-known for his Wadia mods, and I was amazed at the musicality of the modded version. The unmoded version (which I used for a couple of years) was overly concerned with treble, and detail, detail, detail, and was fatiguig. The GNSC version has much improved tonal balance and a very smooth top, though it is still quite detailed. But it still has some positive Wadia characteristics, including rock solid bottom end (even more so, really) and, like I say, great detail (but smoother). I mean to say here that there is a family resemblance between the unmodded 860 and the GNSC 860, but the GNSC 860 is (for me) much more pleasant to listen to.

I did not like the unmodded 860 straight into my amp generally, although on a very few of the exact right CDs, it was stunning. It's just that on quite a few CD's, I heard more than I wanted to know. I've never tried the GNSC 860 straight in.

The EMM is less dynamic than the GNSC 860. It actually has somewhat more detail. The soundstage seems further back from the speakers and is a bit wider, I'd say. Particularly with orchestral music, the extraction of detail from redbook CD's is remarkable.
In this price range you really need to consider the Playback Designs MPS-5. There are comparisons to the EMM elsewhere here and at The Asylum.

Since I cannot audition any EMM, I have the following choices. Please advice which is better.

1: Wadia 581-SE ( driving direct)( only max 4.5V output, might get max out)
2: EMM CDSA-SE ( with a Krell HRC-HR Pre)
3: EMM SE Combo ( no pre)
4: Wadia + Krell HRC-HR pre

Rest of system : Krell KAS mono's + Revel Salon ( 86db@6 ohms.
Let me know if any of you have the EMM SE combo ( multi voltage )for sale at a resonable price.

Thanks in advance.