Oppo as transport

Looking to hear from those who have tried Oppo DVD player(any model) as a dedicated transport to feed an outboard DAC.

1. How is the performance of this DVD player as a transport?
2. What DAC are you using with it?
3. What have you compared the Oppo to?
4. What is the reason why I would need to go with a dedicated transport instead of the Oppo.

In addition to the Oppo, I will also be running a Squeezebox connected to the DAC3(or whatever dac I decide on).

I've been contemplating to put together a digital front end consisting of Oppo(probably their mid-line model) as a transport with most likely Marigo or Virtual Dynamics digital cable, into Bel Canto DAC3. Just looking for ways to have more flexibility than I have now with a dedicated CD player.

I used to have Bel Canto DAC2 with Sony DVP-S7700 dvd player as a transport. I liked that combo and Sony was a very good transport.

If anyone did any comparison between Oppo and any other dvd player, or a dedicated transport, please share your thoughts.

Thank You.
I can't state how good the Oppo 970 is as a transport or not, but the reason this lowly source gained a lot of good press when it came out was that it had a smooth non-digital sound for $150 dollars. Incidentally, the discontinued HD970 sounds better than the newer Oppo 980 and their other models as a stand alone source according to reviewers because of its smooth non-fatiguing nature.

Obviously a good DAC will make a big improvement. Using it as a transport will suffice until a better transport can be had.

I bought my Oppo as an interim product for music while my system was in change, and kept it for movies too. At its price it is good to have around while my system changes. I'm currently using its variable output into a tube power amp until I decide my next move.
The auto play doesnt bother me, I like it. Theres no reason for me to put a dvd/cd in and not play it right after. It does bother me on my PS3 which does other things besides playing discs.
Well the autoplay for an audio guy is a problem as you can sit down adjust volume, or walk off do something come back and hit play when your ready to do some more critical listening vs. auto just blasting out of the speakers and your not even sitting there thatÂ’s all..
It's annoying to me for undertow's reason, but i just hit the "stop" or "back" buttons on the remote.
annoying, either way.
the way I have solved the little in-conveinence is even better than the stop or back, luckily one thing the oppo does have is a remote controlled drawer, I got in the habbit of simply using the remote to open the drawer before going up to the unit, then drop in the new disc, leaving it open all together, then when ready hit the close drawer button or play.. Now I would just simply forget to even hit the close button on the unit all together anyway so it works out, I always use the remote drawer option at this point as it is...