Oppo as transport

Looking to hear from those who have tried Oppo DVD player(any model) as a dedicated transport to feed an outboard DAC.

1. How is the performance of this DVD player as a transport?
2. What DAC are you using with it?
3. What have you compared the Oppo to?
4. What is the reason why I would need to go with a dedicated transport instead of the Oppo.

In addition to the Oppo, I will also be running a Squeezebox connected to the DAC3(or whatever dac I decide on).

I've been contemplating to put together a digital front end consisting of Oppo(probably their mid-line model) as a transport with most likely Marigo or Virtual Dynamics digital cable, into Bel Canto DAC3. Just looking for ways to have more flexibility than I have now with a dedicated CD player.

I used to have Bel Canto DAC2 with Sony DVP-S7700 dvd player as a transport. I liked that combo and Sony was a very good transport.

If anyone did any comparison between Oppo and any other dvd player, or a dedicated transport, please share your thoughts.

Thank You.
Ha, I have the same problem, however the oppo machine is SO shallow in depth, I simply set it back further in the cabinet, it closes with over 1" clearance from the drawer still open and door closed :-) And with Glass doors you will still see it just fine set back a little like this.. By the way I don't have glass but metal grate and wood, but standard depth of most of these units are at least like 17.5 " or something and the oppo should still clear easily setting it back about 6"... Also this is easier if you have no back on the unit or reasonably sized holes for your cables not to get bound up.
undertow. give me your cel phone number in private message, if you'd like, and i'll send you a pick from my cel phone. I see we have the same problems with our cabinets. Mine also has no back because of the cable routing issues.
Right, well you should be able to just push the DVD player back quite a bit on the shelf and close the door still. I would just open the drawer and then push it back until you can clear the door to close it. Then you can leave the drawer open door closed or not...
07-24-08: Undertow
Right, well you should be able to just push the DVD player back quite a bit on the shelf and close the door still. I would just open the drawer and then push it back until you can clear the door to close it. Then you can leave the drawer open door closed or not...

seams like a logical idea, dont see why this wouldnt work.
Sthomas12321, so what's the verdict on the Oppo sonics as a transport? Like it or not?