Oppo as transport

Looking to hear from those who have tried Oppo DVD player(any model) as a dedicated transport to feed an outboard DAC.

1. How is the performance of this DVD player as a transport?
2. What DAC are you using with it?
3. What have you compared the Oppo to?
4. What is the reason why I would need to go with a dedicated transport instead of the Oppo.

In addition to the Oppo, I will also be running a Squeezebox connected to the DAC3(or whatever dac I decide on).

I've been contemplating to put together a digital front end consisting of Oppo(probably their mid-line model) as a transport with most likely Marigo or Virtual Dynamics digital cable, into Bel Canto DAC3. Just looking for ways to have more flexibility than I have now with a dedicated CD player.

I used to have Bel Canto DAC2 with Sony DVP-S7700 dvd player as a transport. I liked that combo and Sony was a very good transport.

If anyone did any comparison between Oppo and any other dvd player, or a dedicated transport, please share your thoughts.

Thank You.
Im tried both my Canare 77s 75ohm w/ 75ohm connectors, and my ps audio resolution digital. As always, I find the Canare to be unbeatable.
Thanks Sthomas12321.

I had very good experience with Virtual Dynamics Master(original) digital RCA interconnect, so I placed an order today for Master 3.0

We'll see.

What's the best place to get the Oppo from?
Audphile1 asked:

"What's the best place to get the Oppo from?"

New, at Amazon or direct from Oppo.
