Salk vs Daedalus Speakers

I am considering the Salk ss8 vs the Daedalus Audio Ulysses 2.
For power I would be using Audiovalve challenger 180 amps during the winter and Jeff Roland model 6 amps for summertime listening.
I listen to all types of music except rap; but mostly jazz, choir with organ, acoustic, classical and classic rock for when Pink Floyd comes around.
It seems both of these speakers get very high marks but I would like to hear from people who have had experiences with either.Regards in advance
I bought a demo pair; I think price wise probally near the price of Daedalus Ulysses.
you are probally right Bob I was comparing used or demo pricing.
I did see a pair of Ulysses on audiocircle for 11k if I remember right.
After the first weekend of listening I think I need more time as moving from the Soundlab M2's back to a dynamic is a large leap.
I can only say so far that the vocals and piano sound very,very good and I found myself playing air guitar and drums; but there is a difference.
Electronics being used: Allnic L-3000,Audiovalve Challanger 180 Monoblocks (6550's installed) and a Grant CD-1000 Impression II player.
Looking forward to trying the Nola Blue Thunder speaker cable but still using my Transparent Musicwave Super for now.
I heard the original version of the Salk STs and really did not think anything of them. Even the larger coffin design models were nothing special to my ears. I was just not impressed. Not sure how they have changed over the years. Daedalus Audio has a very musical sound, almost like the old time speakers I used to listen to. Very emotional and involving. I own a pair of Alon V MKII speakers which are great sounding especially for the used prices. They need some tweaking to upgrade the X-Overs, etc, but they have a great sound. I was not that impressed with the newer Nola speakers. I felt that they lacked deep bass and the top end was very slightly diminished. Very hard to tell unless you know the material you are listening to. Could have also been the components used in the system. I compared them to the Lawrence Audio speakers which in the same system brought the music to life. I was disapointed with the Nolas. But that being said, at the show in Brooklyn recently, my friend heard the Nola ($25K models) and he said he would buy them if he could afford them. Best he had heard. Go figure!

Anyway, my preference would be Daedalus Audio or another listen to the Nolas. I know that Carl builds a great product and services he customers.

Happy Listening.