Transparent digital vs. Anaconda digital

Does anyone out there have experience with the Transparent Reference XL digital cable and/or the Shunyata Anaconda digital cable? Comments and opinions would be greatly appreciated.

I just found these observations from Oddeophile. Do you have any comments?

While looking through threads I discovered these comments by Guidocorona about Shunyata Zitron Anaconda cables. Do you have any comments?
Simple questions ( from my personal perspective) are not that simple for many people who work in this business.

I have often asked to different distributers of they can describe the properties of the stuff they sell. Same about the people who work for brands in audio. A simple question; do you know the difference in properties of your products against the main competitors. Often they don't know. Same answers you get when I ask them if they know the differences when they use other cables of speakers.

Most people in audio do not focus on different properties of all the different parts. This is for me the key to get the best endresult.

Audio is all about properties. This makes you understand things better. So you can use them a lot more precise!
Many people don't know and are not aware of what an intimate image is. Even for free I would not want to use Shunyata cables in my set. They would screw everything.

A small and intimate image makes music a lot more emotional. When I am at a show and people their heads are extreme big.You are all mine. And I will ask you questions about how big you think a voice should be? In above 95% you get the answer: I don't know. Even when I ask the simple question: Do you think the image of your demo is realistic? They do not say yes.

Then I think; what the F....are you doing here! All these demos make audio not convincing. This is a big problem. In the last months some shop owners and I had chats about this issue.

The level of good demos at shows is getting difficult to find these days. There are much more average or even worse.

I see this as bad advertising for audio in general. It is caused by the lack in insight and knowledge about audio!