Near field speaker recommendations?

Hi everyone,

Well, after rearranging the furniture in our living room and putting up some acoustic treatments, the sound coming from my system is very clear and the bass is not overloading the room. I can actually hear the sonic contributions of various components and cables. So, my speaker search continues with a much clearer idea of what I'm looking for. My set up has the speakers about 6-7 feet apart and I'm seated 6-7 feet back. I've already determined that rear ported speakers do not work well, so I'm looking for sealed or front-ported bookshelf/monitor speakers. I listen at fairly moderate levels, 70-75 db, so I need a speaker that sounds good at low volumes.

I'm using a Simaudio i-1 integrated (50wpc 8 ohms/100wpc 4 ohms) and a digital front end. Currently, it's an Oppo 105, but I will be switching to a Marantz SACD player (or something else) soon to get a touch more warmth. Not a big Oppo fan.

As a stopgap, I'm using my old office speakers, Focal 706Vs, and I'm quite surprised by how open and airy they sound for an entry-level model. There's perhaps a bit too much sibilance, but that's likely the Oppo as much as the Focals. So, here are the criteria for my new speakers - please feel free to shoot me any suggestions:

1. Price - $2,000 or less
2. Front ported or sealed
3. Sounds good at low volumes
4. Doesn't need to go below mid 50s for bass
5. Will work with 50wpc integrated
6. Good soundstage and transparency are paramount
7. Ideally not bi-wireable

I am considering the Focal Aria 906 or 905, the Harbeth P3esr (stretching the budget), and the Spendor s3/5r2.

Are there any others that you think are a must audition that meet the above criteria?

Thanks so much for your thoughts, and Happy Holidays!

Wow, so many speaker recommendations! However, no one has yet mentioned the KEF LS50s. I'm astonished!!!


PS: And they're well under the $2k budget...
OP here - Thanks so much for all of the recommendations! A couple of thoughts:

1. I may have a chance to visit an audio store in SF that carries Harbeth while traveling for the holidays, so I'm going to wait on them until I have a chance to hear them. However, the P3esr is certainly a front runner along with the Spendor.

2. The JM Reynaud sounds very interesting - excellent reviews, and the type of sound I'm looking for. I'm going to call Amherst Audio to talk with them.

3. I actually had the KEF LS50 for a while. However, I found they needed more power to come to life and didn't sound particularly engaging at lower volumes. They are also rear ported, which seems to cause problems with my current set up.

Thanks again, and feel free to keep the recommendations coming!
