Define power hungry...B&W speakers

I need to know what is important in amplification to power my B&W CDM 1NT's. Rated from 50-125 I believe. How much minimum power is necessary, damping factor, etc. What specs are important to me?
Thank you!
Ya, you are missing something Bombay.....WATTS! Its amazing how some people try to skimp on what's needed most for a lot of speaker just plain ole clean power! That's all B&W's need is power and ANY amp can drive a 8ohm load with ease!
I have a pair of B&W CDM 1NTs mated to a Musical Fidelity A5 integrated amp.

Marvelous synergy, good dynamics from soft to 'stupid loud' and the A5 never runs out of juice, great control on the bottom end, smooth sound. Power is always your friend.

the power ampselection will depend upon tubed or solid-state. Over the years, I have heard many, many power amps n the various B&W speakers.

The newest Conrad Johnson Classic 60 is more than enough to drive at concert levels. On the SS side, Classe' , Mark Levinson, Rotel and Bryston all sound excellent as well.

Most importantly, which brand(s) of cables/power cords are you planning to use?

Keep me posted and Happy Listening!
The Musical Fidelity and Classe' brands keep coming up in my research, also Creek and Naim. I have not even considered special cables, power cords etc. I think I prefer a integrated amp to keep costs down. But again, trying to figure out specs to create a short list.

Thanks again!