Help -- need Idiot's Guide to music server system

Squeezebox, FLAC, Mac Mini, lossy, lossless -- help, what does all this mean? I'm trying to find out more about taking a CD collection onto hard drive music server. Can anyone recommend a Beginner's Guide, whether online or in print? I'm not completely computer illiterate but I can't figure out the basic hardware needed. My main interest is not to broadcast music wirelessly to different rooms but to get a thousand-plus CDs into some more convenient and secure data storage system without loss of CD audio quality -- can it be done, and with what? If you can point me to an Idiot's Guide, I'd appreciate it.

If it matters, my current system (set up in a small listening room) is a Naim Nait 5i amp and Naim CD5i-2 player driving a pair of Spendor S3/5s. The rest of the room is filled with CDs. Thanks.
There are paid services where you send your CDs and they do the ripping for you at the cost of roughly $1 per CD.

The disks are susceptible to failures. It's just a matter of when. You really want all the data backed up, otherwise when the disks fail the data will be lost. I would buy external disks with RAID 1 or RAID 5 feature. Those RAID disk arrays can withstand single disk failure.
by the way Hi have the same spendors The biggest thing music servers have is conveniance. Just make sure the server supports a lossless format and has the ability to buy music from the internet