DAC improvement

Interested in hearing from those who have gone to a standalone DAC. Particularly those models from Benchmark. Would like info as to (1) what component you are using to feed the DAC (2) the component to which you have the output of the DAC connected (3) the type of connection (4) what setup you were using before going to the DAC, and (5) your take on the benefits experienced from the change.
(1) what component you are using to feed the DAC -- a trusty original Rega Planet CD player

(2) the component to which you have the output of the DAC connected -- Naim Nait 5i

(3) the type of connection -- RCA out from Planet to BNC in on Benchmark (via Canare RCA-to-BNC cable), Kimber PBJ from DAC to amp

(4) what setup you were using before going to the DAC -- the Rega Planet

(5) your take on the benefits experienced from the change -- a significant improvement worth the investment -- greater transparency, better defined bass, high end both smoother and more extended, more precise sense of lateral and front-to-back positioning of musicians in the soundstage, less "digit-itis" therefore easier to listen to for extended periods

In short, from this listener, thumbs up for the Benchmark DAC-1.
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Have used standalone DAC since adding an Apogee DA-1000E-20 to my Shanling T100.

Have discovered digital interconnect cable matters and that Steve Nugent (Audioengnr) is right when he says most setups need 1.5m length. Have used Wireworld Gold Starlight, Zu Ash, Apogee Wyde Eye, Ensemble Gigaflux, VH cryo Pulsar and now Atlas Opus.

Have also discovered transport matters and have gone from T100 to TEAC T1 to Esoteric P-10.

Apogee DA-1000 died, not fixable, replaced by Apogee Mini-DAC and battery power, now using Stellavox ST2.

On the way tried Benchmark DAC-1, found it extraordinary but as a tool for detail resolution more than a music player. Still worth a try.
System 1) Audio Analogue Paganini CD to April Music Stello DA220 Dac to either SoundQuest SQ 88 tube integrated orPlinius 8200 Mk2 integrated - Virtual Dynamic Testament Digital RCa. Previously using just Paganini

System 2) Arcam CD72 to PS Audio Digi Link 3 to either Consonnace Cyber Sig 100 integrated, or Portal Panache integrated - IXOS digital RCA. Previously used Lite Audio Dac Am Modified
I have used various mid-priced CDPs including Classe, Jolida, Ah!, others. I am now feeding the PS Audio Digital Link III from the Jolida. I tried the Oppo 980 as a transport and it was missing something. The PSA DLIII is warm, detailed and very natural. I am using Signal Cable ICs and digital RCA. The DAC goes through a tubed pre-amp to Class D amps. I highly recommend using a stand-alone DAC for most people. I am sure the very high-end CDPs, such a Bryston, are even better, if you can afford them, but I have not heard them.