Anyone heard PSB Imagine T3?


Have anyone heard this speaker? How does it sound? How is the speaker compared to Synchrony One? I had Synchrony One for some years ago and know it very well.

Thank you for your impression on these speakers and the Spendors. You say Spendors are laid back compared to PMCs. Another member on this forum mentioned to me that these were slightly laid back compared to some others like ProAcs. From your and the PMC owner's impression, it makes sense that on another Naim forum a person called the Spendors "pipes and slippers". But to me, I like laid back speakers better, as they would not definitely not give you listening fatigue. At the same time I like my sound stage to start 4-3 feet behind the speaker face.

Another speaker that I would look forward to is the JM Orfeo Supreme V2.

I forgot to mention that I briefly heard this speaker at AXPONA 2015, as I was leaving the show. It was in the Saturday exchange room. I was impressed with the starting notes. But I REALLY had to leave at that point. I regret not having auditioned them long enough. I completely agree with you that speakers should be auditioned before you purchase. I will be traveling to Maryland in the next couple of weeks and will seek out the Imagine T3.

I want lots of bang for my investment this time, because this is a speaker that I [most likely] will not change for the next 10 years or so, and the new speaker would be a major upgrade $wise compared to my current ones.
I would not describe the PSB Imagine T3 speakers as having a soundstage that starts 3 to 4 feet behind the speaker's front and goes back from there, if I understand your desire correctly. While it's not overly forward or aggressive sounding, its soundstage is more up front than that while extending to well behind the plane of the speakers. Good luck in your search and please let us know what you decide. I never heard the JM you mentioned, but there are certainly lots of good speakers to choose from these days!
Recently back from a trip to DC. Heard the Imagine T3 again, and also Totem Forest Signatures. The PSBs were connected to NAD amps while the Forests were connected to some expensive Macs. The PSB did not seem as open as the Totems, but I believe it was the amp pairing. Still not able to decide on these. Will not go with Forests, since they are not as efficient as I would like my next speakers to be.
I bought a pair of T3s last week to replace my well loved Synchrony Ones. I've done about 20 hours of listening since and have some first impressions. First, there is a strong family resemblance. Everything the Ones did well is echoed by the T3s. The T3s, however, have deeper and more impactful bass, play louder, are truer in vocal timbre, and retrieve both detail and spatial cues such as hall sound better than the Ones. While I loved the Ones, I never was able to shake a nagging feeling that they were a bit thin, even when partnered with a sub. Not so the T3s. I used the Ones with a McIntosh Mc 275 Gen VI and am using the same amp with the T3s. Part of the difference in what I'm hearing, therefore, may be attributed to the new speaker's (reportedly) being an easier load for a tube amp to drive. Whatever the reason, I'm very happy with my purchase.
hi ,

I am in the process of upgrading my old tannoy revolution dc6t speakers , these were paired with NAD M3 driven by blue sound Node / NAS 
they sounded pretty good and was happy until i moved into a new place the DC6t fell short ..
i am looking at the PSB t3 and Tannoy DC8TI ( Both same price range and initially short listed )
Being used to the ' forward' sounding tannoys i am quite divided and torn between these two.. 
havent heard the DC8Ti for there is no demo available in my city 
anyone who has experience listening to these speakers .. advise will be great !!