Sound through Macbook vs DAC

I have been pondering how much to spend on a DAC. But unlike normal circumstances, its not becuase I cannot decide on a model, its becuase my Macbook sounds really good even with out one! I hooked up my Dads marantz CD player for comparison. The CD player was much brighter than my Macbook, even though I had it connected with a radioshack cable. Does every computer sound really good or do Apples sound a bit better straight from the card. I relized that a DAC will increase sound stage, dynamics, and transparency, but is it worth the 2000 dollars for a bel canto? My set up includes Totem Model 1's and a Classe 151 amp. Thanks
Since nobody mentioned it, RWA Isabellina NOS non-upsampling, non-oversampling DAC for $2500 or $1500 option for Isabella preamp.
I am not what you might call "DAC expert" but after hearing quite a few fine DACs lately, I believe that Isabella is on par or above least in its asking price range.
I can not recommend it or guaranty that it will be to your taste ....but if digital reproduction shortcomings like edginess and lock of body/emotions are what stopped you from enjoying your favorite music, I would at least give it a shot with 30 days money back warranty.

There are probably better choices out there but I would seriously doubt if I could afford it.
After a long while, I am starting to enjoy my digital ones again.
If that isn't the the sign of a really great product, I do not know what is.


if you have to ask.....

"jasonparmente" note should have begun with "Now a word from our sponsor..."
Lol. BTW that Jason guy is a NZ distributor... not much use to us on this side of the world. Anyway couldn't actually find anywhere to buy the EMM online yet, after a very brief Google search, but a post on head-fi put the price at $9000.

Could the OP perhaps throw out a target price range since this thead is all over the map.