New Bookshelf speakers u love 3k to 6k

Narrowing down my selection and the reference 3 a mm de capo with all the current upgrades seems to be the winner thus far. That speaker is around 3k. In the next sequence of spending upwards..we have the 3k to 6k interested in what anybody has listended to that is mind blowing.
Ny, I shouldn't have said anything... If you don't have something nice to

Congrats on your new speakers by the way. I looked them up lastnight and
they look nice. Happy listening!
It really seems like someone has a screw loose here. The wall treatments in that listening room better be made of rubber!
Bookshelf speakers for 3 to 6K? WTF? WHY?

Bookshelf speakers reproduce "Midgets Playing Music" !

Get good large speakers for "life Size" sound imaging!
I have just bought The Scansonic MB-1 vor my 2nd home ...
I heard them with Jeff Rowland Electronic, i was very Impressed
Open Sound, high resolving, astonishing bass for bookshelves, beautifull desapearing Act, the music appears like an Hologramm in the space in front of you ... Overall excellent !
As Jeff Rowland was not within my Budget i tried other Electronics
Belcanto all in one dac , preamp , Amp ... Weak
Bladelius Thor MkIII with DAC fantastic ... I got it used for less than 2000!