Anyone listening to 24/196?

If so, what DAC are you using? The Benchmark can intake those signals, but it downsamples them to 110. The BelCanto can't take them. The Bryston BDA-1 is one of the few non-megabuck DACs that can take 192 as an input.

Anything else under 3k?

From Bryston materials: "The CS-4398 operates in one of three oversampling modes based on the input sample rate. Single-speed mode supports input sample rates up to 50 kHz and uses a 128x oversampling ratio. Double-speed mode supports input sample rates up to 100 kHz and uses an oversampling ratio of 64x. Quad-speed mode supports input sample rates up to 200 kHz and uses an oversampling ratio of 32x."
I have a Northstar 192 Mark II DAC that can take the 24/192 signal. This is actually a pretty darn good dac and if you have a CDT/P outputting this signal, it may be worth your consideration. They are $2500-2700 new (I am not sure of the exact price), but can be purchased used for under $1,500 easily. I bought this DAC only to try out as I was buying a Northstar transport. I never intended to keep the DAC (unless it outperformed by DCS stack - which I felt was extremely unlikely - and accurate). But it did do a great job and for that price, was a really incredible piece. I can also take an I2S input from a computer and you can output from your computer at the 24/192 rates.
in the pro world, you have the apogee rosetta that will decode 24/192. but you will need double wire double speed digital AESEBU to do so, and its under 3K.
ps audio perfect wave transport and dac will process the hi resolution format available from reference recordings. this format is in the form of a dvr output at 24/192.

i am not convinced that the format itself sounds better than a well recordede redbook cd.
All the time. I download them from HD Tracks and play them on my Blacknote DSS which accepts the format.