Audio Research Ref: CD8

I understand from speaking to Audio Research there is a CD8 now. CD8 has an upgraded power supply and DAC from the CD7. I have my CD7 at ARC for the power supply upgrade now.

Does anyone know more about the CD8?
Hi Lula
I do know what you mean regarding lateral moves when buying new and hopefully "improved" equipment.

I have a pretty well trained ear and unfortunately find myself long enough in the tooth these days to know what I am after.

Good as the ML was, its a sound that I have left behind. Since it is was a lot of money to have invested in a door stop I sold it, but not before making sure I was happy with what replaced it.

I find those older players sound fuzzy and unrefined by comparison now. I miss nothing in its sound now although I loved its build and simple remote control and fast access to the disk.

I can assure you if you put the ML next to my DCS you would be shocked at how wide the divide is. The focus in the DCS sound, the utter lack of background noise, the amazing speed and dynamics are just for starters. Let alone the fact I could sell my preamp and all those extra cables...
I received my CD7 back from Audio Research yesterday. I listened to it last night, and then again this afternoon. Total "break in time" about 5 hours.
The difference from before the mod till now is:
Air. The sound stage and music are riding on air. On top of this when an instrument is highlighted in a band (snare drum, trumpet), or vocal piece (soloist) its like the performer steps up. I have not heard that quality before.
Also the level of micro detail is increased by quite a margin. In particular in the midband, and high frequencies.
I now truly believe Leonard was accurate with his statement that the sonic level improvement was large. Though I must say, overall it sounds like the midrange is boosted up slightly. Before I thought maybe the bass was too much.
My associated equipment is Ref2, D400 Mk2, Wilson watt/puppy 7.
The new tube; 5881 tube is installed horizontally, slightly forward, and to the right cabinet edge of the old 2 power regulation tubes. The older power regulation tube holders are "capped off".
Audio Research also ensured my unit was fully up to spec (turn on mod), greased, lubed the transport.
Again another very satisfying experience from Audio Research.
I am not a dealer, not in the audio business, nor associated with Audio Research in any way.
Wsill, how long did it take to get the mod done? From the time you shipped to the time you received? I am trying to figure out if it could be done in time for Christmas yet.
Wsill, you say it is a sonic improvement but also midrange is boosted up. Do you mean the new machine is more aggressive and forward sounding when compared to before mod? I am trying to figure out whether the new version has a different sound presentation significantly different from the original one. Then it will also be a choice of taste etc.