Audio Research Ref: CD8

I understand from speaking to Audio Research there is a CD8 now. CD8 has an upgraded power supply and DAC from the CD7. I have my CD7 at ARC for the power supply upgrade now.

Does anyone know more about the CD8?
Can anyone post pics of the upgraded CD-7 with 5881 tube installed ?

C'mon, don't be lazy ! Support audio community !

I have already done my part and posted images of the CD-8 ...
I have internal pictures of my CD7 as modified by Audio Research with the 5881 tube. I toook these when I receivced my CD7 back from ARC.I have already emailed them to a few folks here.
Who else would like a picture? Send me an email I'll forward off to you.
My CD8 has been now been playing almost continuously for 22 days approaching 500 hours. Happy to tell that after burn in the bright, sometimes almost edgy sound is completely gone.
During the burn in phase I had to remove the Valhalla cables from my system as they exacerbated the sibilants and splashiness, but today I could use them again.
One thing is sure - the bass control and depth are improved and it is more detailed than my previous CD7.
I will wait a few days more before borrowing my old CD7 to make a direct comparison.
I had the oppportunity to listen to the CD8 today at a dealers store with all the other ARC Ref. gear hooked up with it along with the Wilson Maxx Series 3 Speakers.Its been a long time since I sat down to listen to the latest ARC gear and with this set up I thought I was in audio nirvana heaven. I brought a special cut CD of Firebird Suite 1919 from a 96k 24 bit HD Track and I was spellbownd
at the utter bass slam and powerful dynamics of everything.The sound stage stayed stable at FFFF on the final cords of the piece.The images were layered perfectly
and the space occupying the overtones were so there.
I played the Riverdance sound track and I could feel the weight and the character of the stage the dancers were stomping on. A first in my life and I always thought when I went to see the live performance of them that no stereo in the world would be able to reproduce this. Well I was wrong. I can go on and on about what I liked,But my only question is .Is this from a combination of the entire system playing or just the REF.CD8?