Audio Research Ref: CD8

I understand from speaking to Audio Research there is a CD8 now. CD8 has an upgraded power supply and DAC from the CD7. I have my CD7 at ARC for the power supply upgrade now.

Does anyone know more about the CD8?
Didn't CJ dump the 6h30's in their statement preamp for around $20k...the name escapes me, sorry! i still feel the 6H30 sound is cooler and less colorful than the 6922 based gear.
Wow! Excellent comments on the now broken-in CD8. Thanks.

It doesn't surprise me at all that the break-in time is over 500 hours. My CD-7 took that long as did the Ref-3. The PH-7 didn't take as long ... but still a good 300 hours to sound it's best.

For those who are finding the ARC gear to be bright, non-musical, tonaly bare or solid state like, I would humbly suggest that you check your power cords and room treatments. Magnan power cords and Shitaki Holograms (2 pair) have transformed my system ... and I thought it was really good before these improvments. Now its great.
I recently purchased an updated CD7, an upgrade from my beloved CD3MK II. The CD7 is in an entirely different class.

The sound is so big, detailed and lively. Instruments and voices are so real and vivid they sound like the band is in the room. I look forward to spending more time with this player. lucky for me this player is huge(5" deeper than cd2. 3etc. so it wont fit in many places.

It is truly a maginal musical instrument.

Does your CD7 have the power supply modification ? ie. we have been talkng about it here for a couple of months.