2-Way Advice: Magico S1,YG Carmal,Diablo Utopia

Guys I've been considering a speaker swap. Have found that I love 2-ways.

I didn't really know this until I started listening to different speakers and kept liking them more, much more than the fulls.

They present a different perspective that I prefer. I don't listen real loud and have a med size 2500 cubic foot room and I much prefer tight and accurate, faster more defined bass and don't need the real deep low stuff. I love how they image and disappear and make the music more alive to me. Listen to Jazz, Acoustic, Blues, mello rock, Indie, some classic, the usual phile stuff..

I have it boiled down to a few and really would love your opinions. Buying used and they are all over the country and just can't listen to all of them. I know listen first is best and would love to if I could. They are all within $500 of each other price wise with shipping to me.

Have you guys heard any of these and what you might think of these??

Magico S1 Black

YG Carmal 1 Silver

Focal Diablo Utopia III - Silver

Sonus Faber Guameri Momento

Langerton Configuration 217

Tannoy DC10A

Ascendo System F (Only non 2-way I'm considering)

Any info or feedback or recommendations would really be appreciated!!!

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xfsmithjack
I would consider the Vivid v1.5....don't be afraid of it's lower price point. I use this speaker on some pretty high end gear and think it is a great overachiever (based on price compared to more expensive speakers). I have had Wilson Benesch , Micro Utopia's...
If you like speakers that disappear I think you should put Joseph Audio on your radar as well. Among the best I've heard in that regard. The Perspective is probably in your price ballpark but I think is a 2.5-way design, but the Pulsar would probably provide all the bass you need and is obviously a 2-way design if you're open to monitors.

I had a serendipitous opportunity to hear the Carmels (original version) and Perspectives back to back as they were only a couple doors away from each other at a show. And they both happened to play St. James Infirmary as I walked into both rooms (what are the odds???). Granted these were different rooms and different systems, but fwiw I thought the Perspectives brought the performance to life in the room while the Carmels sounded relatively a little flat. They sounded very good, but on that day and in those circumstances I definitely preferred the Perspectives and by a good margin. Anyway, given all the variables this probably isn't worth too much, but just indicates the Perspectives may be worth considering given what you're looking for. Best of luck in your search.
Thanks guys - I actually have been thinking of the Perspectives but was afraid they would no be as refined. as the YG/Magico/SF. I have heard everything I can that's near me so anything else anyone could add would be great. I would LOVE to buy bigger Magico's if I had the money. I read the S1 is nicer than the V2. This is a tough one - please all thoughts and idea's are welcomed and appreciated. Love my speakers but moved to a different home and in much different room and would like to nail this to get off the merry go round...