Sound Lab vs Magnepan 20.7

I owned Sound Labs back about 2005. I loved them: enter divorce... not related.
Now a decade later remembering those monsters I'm wondering how they compare with the Maggie 20.7. I realize the technical differences, but still am aware of their relative strengths. Just wondering if one of our more articulate brethren on here can sum up the differences and who wins?
I live in Florida now--2500 feet from the ocean, and on a lake. Palm trees... amazing place to be.
I am thinking that the more 'modestly priced' (grin) Maggies are more in my price range.
Thanks for the personal invitation though.
Didn't know you had moved. Well, late June in Chicago is a whole lot nicer than in Florida :-)
Dude, how can you say, "not related...". Everyone I know with Sound Labs has been divorced.
We were well down that path BEFORE they came--but hey, who am I to say, 'NOT RELATED', I stand corrected Oh, Wise One! lololololol

05-15-15: Lrsky
... I am thinking that the more 'modestly priced' (grin) Maggies are more in my price range.
On its own, and compared to even large dynamic box speakers, the 20.7s present an imposing front--6'7" tall and 29" wide. However, compared to most of the Sound Labs panels, it's pretty modest. SL's Majestic 945PX is 8'10" tall and almost 40" wide. Its diaphragm is 3125 square inches, 834 sq. in. larger than the 20.7's entire front baffle. *Of course* it should sound better. It's also nearly three times the price of the 20.7s. SL's Ultimate Series U-1PX is over 3.26 times as expensive.

Only SL's entry-level panel, the M-3PX is roughly equivalent in size and price, at 67" tall (12" shorter) by 30" wide (same width, but probably about the same diaphragm area) and $14,590/pair $740 more). At almost $20K/pair, SL's the M-2PX could make for a reasonably fair comparison as well.