CD player connected directly to Amplifier?

I've been noticing some CD players which can be connected directly to the amp; in many models, its the recommended way to play them. I've never done this, but it seems like a good way to go assuming one has a nice high-end cd player equipped for such a task. I see the obvious advantage of foregoing the expense of a separate preamp, especially in a combined HT/2 channel rig like my own. Is there an obvious advantage in performance? Anyone have any thoughts or experience with this method?
Ag insider logo xs@2xmichaeljbrown
"Is there an obvious advantage in performance?"

Not an obvious one in general as you might think, but perhaps.

Like most things with systems (audio or otherwise) it depends on specifics and details: which CD and amp, how well they synergize together, which pre-amp is or is not there as well, which ICs used.
I've a DAC w/volume control and mfr (dCS) recommends "direct to amp".

I very much prefer system sound interposing a nice tubed linestage.
If the player was made to drive a power amp directly, not all are, then it should give the best sound in that mode. If it sounds better with a tube line stage then: 1, the output stage of the CD player was not of good quality or 2, you like the euphonic coloration the tubes add.
IMO and from my own experiences in my own system, I always found adding a pre amp even though the CD player can drive power amps directly always gave much more in terms of layers, depth and a more realistic mid range. I have owned the Weiss combo, Esoteric, DCS stack and the Wadia 581-SE being the best out of the group in terms of digital volume section.
Using all of those players directly always sounded a bit thin, harsh and 2 dimensional in comparision.

Hope this helps.