Weiss Minerva Dac


I wanted to know if anyone over here has got the Minerva dac from Weiss. What is the sound like? also can one up-sample to 192KHz and stream it to the DAC?

Best Regards,

Satyam Bachani.
Hi Luvwine,

A simple test if possible would be to connect a computer with a sound card capable of 24/192 connected to your cary's digital in and stream music via foobar or equivalent @ 192K and see if plays!

If it does then yes it works!!

Until then I will dig out some white papers on SPDIF and see it does allow it!


Satyam Bachani.
I have no such equipment so I cannot conduct the test. Am happy to learn what you find out, however. I do not claim to be an authority and am only reporting what I have observed and what I am told. Thanks.
Wish someone from the Industry could chime in on the same!

Below is a few threads talking about the same.


All conclude its RARE or maybe non-existent to transmit 192K/24Bits on S/PDIF perhaps I2s it is possible too.

Theoretical limit of S/PDIF is 25MBPS so a 192K 24Bit signal should be about in the range of 12MEGS which is on the border of supporting it after taking into account transmission loss. I don't know how the STACK is designed (maybe unfair to compare) but in basic networking(TC/PIP) there's a 70% transmission loss!!!


Hopefully we have more educated people tell us more about it.

Best Regards,

Satyam Bachani.
What I am interested in learning is if any person has compared a Weiss DAC against a 'respected' CD Player & can write some comments on it.
I am more interested to learn how a CD Player performs against a computer / firwire DAC.
I think there's some bad info above. For example, the RR HRx recordings are 24/176 and they can be fed with a single AES/EBU cable into a DAC such as the Berkeley.

Also, iTunes does support 24-bit word length.