La Scala II problem

Just a few days ago I received my new La Scala II's unboxed them and set them up. I noticed that from one speaker there was only a faint music signal coming from the HF box and nothing from the LF. I verifed connections and swapped the speakers - the issue followed the speaker. I pulled the jumpers off today and once again on the HF taps - only a faint sound and when on the LF taps no sound. Tech support has suggested that this may be a network issue, but aren;t these things tested prior to leaving? The boxes were shipped via a dealer so there were no UPS or FED-EX abuse issues.

Any thoughts or suggestion would be much appreciated.

Its not your job to trouble shoot a brand new pair of expensive speakers. Tell the dealer to get his ass out to your house and fix it. They should have never left until they had the speakers set up and working.