CD Player Advice

Hello, I'm wondering if I could get some advice? I am looking to replace an older Rotel CD player. I am fine with buying used or new and I'm wondering if anyone would have a suggestion on what would be a nice player for around $500 or so? I have a Classe Integrated 100 watt amp and MMG speakers.

I'm very pleased with my Jolida JD-100 also! Mine was around $500 and it came with modified upgrades!
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Make sure it will play any formats you want (mp3, sacd, dvda or???). May be worth getting a multi player like denon or oppo?
I'll throw a vote out for the Lexicon RT-20 which is a multi player, it can be had on the Gon for $850-$900. I know its a little out of your price range but MSRP on this player was $4995! I own one and it's built like a tank and sounds great!
Thanks for your replies! Knowing very little about tube style players, do they require a lot of maintenance, replacing the tubes etc.? I wont need a multiplayer as this will be used for cd's only.

Thank you.
