Help - new house - new setup?

I have just moved house and the new room is about 20x18 with 28 foot ceilings and glass/openings on 2 of the walls.

My system was CAT SL1 with spectron musician amp playing through VS VR4jrs. Front end Michell Orbe and Oppo 105.

I went all HT and got Halo A51 and JC1 monos with a Marantz 8802.

I was expecting a big improvement but the sound is lost in this room and sounds poor.

Someone suggested JL audio fathom to take the weight off the VR4rs so I got a 212 which has improved bass substantially but SPLs are still weak.

I feel I need to upgrade the JR4s and would like to spend up to 10k on some new speakers or Albert is advocating 5k to upgrade the JR4s.

Any suggestions would be most welcome as I live in the sticks and my nearest decent dealer is 250 miles away.

I am considering ML Montis/Summit, Revel Salon, Wilson Sophia 3, Thiel cs 3.7 and Legacy Whispers among others.

My main concern is having a speaker that will give the SPL level necessary for this room.
Have you tried running the Audyssey speaker setup software that comes with the Marantz? I suggest that you run the setup on full auto and then analyze the results to look for any clues or anomalies it finds as it runs thru the various tests. If possible, try to find a PC program to help the analysis. There are many on the market that can help you understand your room better based on the setup data. What you learn can then be used to guide you towards making the right decisions rather than just throwing money at it.

Understanding your new room's acoustic properties could make it your finest "component". I would love to have that room!
thanks for that advice.

I am trying different speaker and equipment positions this weekend and will then rerun audyssey.
My system is in the family room that measures 21'x33'x15'. Speaker on the short wall and are not close to any walls so no boomy bass or reflection problems. It's a lively room and don't need much room treatment. I'm using a tube amp and have no problems filling the room with high volume. I much prefer a large room with high ceilings.

When I 1st moved in, my Gallo speakers were too small so I gave them to a family member. I'm not familiar with VS VR4jrs so can't comment. I think you just need to move your speakers around until you find a good spot or buy new bigger speakers.
Thank you for all your responses.

Have decided to buy VS VR5 anniversary mk2 and get room treatment done.

Any advice on top end speaker cable would be appreciated.

VR 4 Jrs and VS1 sub are going up for sale.
If it is feasible, you should hold off selling any subwoofer until after you have set up the new speakers, broken them in, and tried different room arrangments. It might be the case that you could still use the subwoofer. Often, a subwoofer helps with tricky setups even if there really isn't a need for more bass. They can help even out room response. You would, in effect, be keeping around one more tool, just in case.