Dynaudio Confidence C1

Hi, Has anyone heard Dynaudio Confidence C1 speakers paired with a Luxman CD player and Luxman integrated amp and if so what were your impressions? I listen mainly to a lot of jazz, vocals and r&b music.
Your response is very much appreciated.
One further point for Xti -- Have you ever compared any of the Harbeth speakers or the Devore Orangutan to the C1s?

Why wouldn't you ever use a Class A Luxman? I have a Luxman M800A which outputs 60 watts class A and also a pair of Bryston 7bst's which outputs 500 watts class AB. The luxman sounds way more powerful than the Bryston. I guess it should considering it's 3 times the price tag ;)
Handsomeck The Luxman should be just fine. The C1's are 4 ohms. The Bryston B100 was rated 100W @ 8 ohms and 180W @ 4ohms. The Octave V70se is rated 70W @4 ohm and the Octave had better control of the sound and didn't sound as dry. The V110 is rated at 110W and had a hair better control compared to the V70. I always preferred a warmer sounding amp with the Dyns.

No I didn't compare the C1's to either Harbeth or Devore. I did compare the C1's to Vienna Acoustic and Sonus Faber and I preferred the C1's. About a year and a half ago the C1's lost out to Raidho D1 and later the D2. C1's had deeper bass than the D1's but the D1's are a clearer bass. I couldn't get my Rel B3 to blend in properly (without bleeding too much into the mids) hence the upgrade to the D2.