Sonus Faber Olympica III or Vienna Acoustics Lists

......I am looking at both of these speakers and wanted a little feedback from the members here. They would be driven by an Esoteric A-03 amp - 50 watts of Class A power. Music is from the Allman Brothers to Frank Zappa to Neil Young to Muddy Waters to Eva Cassidy get the picture. Let me know ...thanks
I have listened to both of these speakers but not in the same location or using the same electronics. I compared the Olympica III to the B&W 802's and preferred the B&W's. The 802's were more open, had better high end and the bass was better. The Olympica's were more closed in and boxy sounding. I compared the 802's to the Liszts. The Liszt were more open, the bass had better attack and definition and they were more musical and had an overall more coherent, unified sound. They are my number one speaker candidate and I have listened to Wilsons, Focal, Rockport, Harbeth, etc. Just my two cents. I think they are a winner in the Vienna line.
Hello Goose - and thank you for your response. It seems that the Vienna's are a subjectively better speaker and will suite the music that I play. The Sonus Faber is a great speaker and a great company with more advertisement dollars ( Fine Group ) so we see their brand all over. I am looking for a speaker for the long haul and the Vienns's may be it. Also, nice set up and the Avalon Ascendant's are also a great speaker !
Definitely the Liszts. I heard them driven by Ayre AX-5 and it was a match made in heaven. If I had the $$ I would have bought both on the spot. The dealer swopped in the AX-7 and it drove them just fine, though, obviously, one could hear the superiority of the AX-5. That's just 60W in A/B. My point is that your Esoteric will drive them just fine.

I briefly heard the SFs in a totally different environment, and I just don't think any of the new SFs are up to the level of the older models (particularly when you take into account price points, etc.).