Sonus Faber Olympica III or Vienna Acoustics Lists

......I am looking at both of these speakers and wanted a little feedback from the members here. They would be driven by an Esoteric A-03 amp - 50 watts of Class A power. Music is from the Allman Brothers to Frank Zappa to Neil Young to Muddy Waters to Eva Cassidy get the picture. Let me know ...thanks
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Jmcgrogan2 according to the dealer I spoke with, the Gibbons X was due to start shipping now. I haven't checked in lately. The price is around $15,500.
"06-04-15: Goose... The Olympica's were more closed in and boxy sounding."


I don't know what Olympica 3's you were listening to but they are one of the best soundstaging speakers (not to be confused with image placement,which the BW does well) that I have ever heard. Could have been a associated component problem. The B&W"s are a fine speaker for sure but I would have to believe that people after the Sonus faber sound would pass on the B&W. It boils down to priority and taste.
I also think the B&W sound better than the Olympica 3's. Their upper bass region seemed to creep up into the lower mids, giving vocals a chesty, heavy type of sound. The B&W's also have a somewhat ripe upper bass range, but doesn't creep up into the lower mids. IMO.
I will say that with all the press / reviews that the Sonus Faber Olympica III's received .....we have not heard from anybody on that speaker. Somebody had to of purchased them ....and compared them to others. Just commenting ....