Upgrading Frontend in 2009: Which way to go?

For reference, my system is located here:


One of the upgrades I'm looking to perform in 2009 is my source. I've enjoyed the Cary 303/300 as a standalone player, but it's time to move on (for reasons not relevant to the thread). I'm looking to spend $2k-$4k if I replace my CD player, and probably $1k-$2k if I simply add a DAC.

Sonically, I like the Cary presentation in that I can hear the recording venue, whether it is a studio, auditorium, amphitheater, or whatever. I suppose I'm a big fan of detail but not to the point that it sounds sterile. I won't be able to live with a player that doesn't allow me to hear everything on the disc, like breaths that are sometimes heard when listening to singers or wind players.

I've read some older posts about CD players, but I'm also wondering if newer DACs or newer-model CDPs with newer onboard DACs will be superior to the older models. I've read great things about the Resolution Audio Opus 21, for example, but I'm concerned that it might not be the best value anymore, given that it's 6 years old now.

One other limiting factor: I sold me preamp last year, so if I go the CDP route the new unit must have volume control onboard.

So I'm looking for the best bang for my buck in that price range. If it's a DAC, so be it. If it's a new CD player, that's great, too. Maybe even better, since I wouldn't have to buy another set of cables.

Any thoughts to help me compile a "short list" to audition would be much appreciated.

Merry Christmas and happy new year to all!

Question shifts to in-home auditions. I have some units in mind I'd like to hear. Although I explored the DAC angle I've decided I'm not quite ready to add another piece of equipment. That decision has to do with frequent moves, future space constraints, and additional cabling rather than any opinion on the merits of a DAC.

I have an Ayon CD-2 coming this week. I'd love to A/B it with:

Acoustic Research CD-7
Esoteric X-03SE
Ayre C-5xe

Does anyone know of dealers that would allow me to try these in my system before making a purchasing decision? I'm not opposed to sending a "tip" a dealer's way for their time and trouble if I don't wind up buying their unit. After all, there can be only one winner, right? :-)
Oh wait, this is audio, not sports!
I like u am looking to upgrade my front end as well with a volume control cdp. Here is a suggestion not brought up yet by members. You can shoot for a less expensive CDP that may give u great bang for your buck. Check out Decware web site. They have a Tascam 160 Mk2 CD Player that they do extensive mods on for about $450.00 to $500.00 for the mod work or u can purchase the machine new from them with the full blown mods for I think about $1,250.00.The mods come with Class A Tube output,Tube power supply,Dual Stepped Volume controls variable voltage gain,Detachable I.E.C Power Cord Connector .
I am told its a real contender at some of the megabuck cdp's and it may be just what were looking for.
The break in time is long maybe 1 to 2 months .They come with a 30 day trial period to try out to see if thats what u like which is interesting. If u don't like it u get all your money back no questions asked. AND I AM not affiliated
with the company at all,But Steve is a really great guy who designed this and its rare these days to be able to talk to the designer one on one. Check the player out on his web site.
I upgraded to the Cary 306SACD with an on board DAC and the sound is incredible. Now going through an amp review. I've got the Cary S120 but I'm reviewing a pair of Seymour Ice Blocks