Emerald Physics EP-X

Any consumers out there that have direct in home experience with the Emerald Physics EP-X speakers. Would appreciate any feedback. Thanks...
Thanks so much for all the great information. Keep it coming if you can. I will also talk with Walter and explain my room and preferences. I am not a low end under 30 hz bass fan unless very very subtle. Thanks again...
adeep42, why such a long hiatus from audio? The copper are the ones I plan to go with if I end up choosing the Emerald Physics KC II which are similar to the ex-2 except some differences in the bass dept. The black just does not do it for me as the copper brings some interest and contrasts to the speakers.

How does the cooper inlay look?

Has anyone compared the ex-2 to the Spatial hologram open baffle speakers? Seems to be lots of great owners of them.
The copper looks great, at least to me. The girl friend gets to see it over the weekend. Feminine view might be different, but that's okay. No more wives, only girl friends.

Hiatus from good audio concurrent with demanding work schedules and family demands plus the advent of CDs. I'm over all that now.

Don't know any thing about Spatial Hologram.

Best to all.
Those EP-2 look truly great in your living room!

Have they opened up more for you? Still liking them?