Recommendation for vacuum tube CD-player

Can you give me some recommendations and experiences on vacuum tube CD playewrs in the range 2-3K USD? I will be using this CDP mainly for vocal jazz music (I do already another CDP for my other musical tastes)

Raysonic CD 128. Two friends have bought one after hearing (or hearing my raves about) mine. A superbly musical machine with the added benefit of XLR outputs (as well as RCAs). Sells new for $1850 or here on Audiogon for $1100-1200 used. I replaced a Sony XA777ES (MSRP $3K) after getting mine 18 month ago. The Raysonic sounds better playing the CD layer of hybrid SACDs than the Sony did playing the SACD layer, and for playing CDs there is NO comparison. Good luck, Dave
Triode Corporation TRV-CD4SE. It is a 24-bit 192kHz upsampling player using a 6922/6DJ8 tube; with both RCA and balanced outputs.

The official product page is here and some impressions can be found in this review.
I should have noted the rave 6moons review of the Raysonic 128 and the later 168 model. Dave
Used Cary CD 308T. Now discontinued. Was $2.5K, now can be had for $1K used.