Researching the CD/HDCD Players from China

I have gotten 40 plus responses regarding CD players built in China. However, the more research I've done It appears to me that most CD players and many other audio pieces are made in China or in Japan. I recall back in the early 1960's working as an audio salesman, we not only carried hi end audio equipment, but table radios and certain consoles. I would always steer customers away from anything made in Japan. That was my mindset back then and remained so for some years.

Now it appears that this is the same mindset of many audio buffs regarding anything made in China. Much of my restarch as been trying to find high quality CD players that are built well and can render classical choral and orchestral as well as jazz small and big bands well. In particular it must be able to give me a good presentation of the human voice in song. Plus it must be able to render an wide sound field throwing music outside of the speakers. And there must be sufficient height to the sound field as well. I am also particular about being able to pick out each jazz instrument and/or voice from within the sound field.

I have heard (for short periods)an Original 2008 Mk2, a Shenda SD100S, Doge 6, and a Bada HD23. All of these players produced a very pleasent sound. However, my primary concerned is with "LONGEVITY" and being able to improve on the sound with tube changes, upgrades, etc.

Finally, the reason I've spent time researching these and other CD/HDCD players has to do with funding. I don't have a large amount of $$$ to spend, but still want hi end sound. This may be a foolish notion, but that's what I am looking for. I understand that there are some HDCD CD's now on the market. Has anyone heard any and is the sound quality superior to the redbook CD's? By the way, the rest of my system will consist of the following:
1. Elite Rock turntable with Excalibur arm (Sumiko cart)
2. Audio Research Pre-Amp
3. Threshold S/300 power amp
4. Mirage OM-9 Omni (soon to be upgraded to Mags 1.6)
5. Various Kimber Cables
I have many classical and jazz LP's i've collected over the years especially many from Germany. I may have just as many redbook CD's. I plan to purchase HDCD's if they can present better sound than my redbooks.

Again thank you for your comments because I really need them. I hope to purchase something within the next few weeks depending on what I get in the way of your responses.
My point was that something in process of shifting production to China was lost but it could happen as well while moving production to Switzerland.
Kijanki (Answers)

Your supposition is faulty. One cannot assume a problem that occurred as a result of producing a product in China would also apply to a product produced in Switzerland, because no evidence has been offered to support the claim.

Further, in the case of the Cambridge A3i, there was no shifting of production. It was always manufactured in China, although it was designed in England.

BTW, I did a search of this integrated, and apparently the diode problem was not uncommon.

I also cam across an interesting thread about a Cambridge Audio D-500 CD player that came with a fake torroid (a cover with no torroid underneath).
Tvad - The torroid story is really interesting, but do they shield toroidal transformers? As far as I know magnetic field around torroidal transformer cancels completely as long as winding is uniform.

"Further, in the case of the Cambridge A3i, there was no shifting of production. It was always manufactured in China, although it was designed in England."

- so we cannot even compare and there is still a good chance that China has nothing to do with it and whole thing is just lack of quality control and production supervision (I had Ford - I know).
02-22-09: Kijanki
Tvad - The torroid story is really interesting, but do they shield toroidal transformers?

Yes. Many torroids are covered. The torroid in my both my Lamm preamps have been covered, as have the torroids in several other components (mostly front end components and preamps).

The Cambridge CD player, made in China, had a torroid cover installed making it appear that there was a torroid installed, but shazam! there wasn't.

Reminds me of the comment in another recent thread where someone had discovered that a tube integrated amp made by Cayin (I believe...but nevertheless a Chinese product) used a particular rectifier (or regulator) tube in it's design that had no purpose. The tube was not connected to the circuit other than to glow like a light bulb.
I think they cover torroids just in case or for the looks. My Benchmark DAC1 has uncovered (quite large) power toroid just few inches from the DAC and clock and Benchmark still gets S/N=140dB.
02-22-09: Kijanki
I think they cover torroids just in case or for the looks.
In the case of the Chinese made Cambridge CD player, it was to make it look like a torroid was installed when one wasn't installed.

That's the only relevance to this thread.